With a history of the feline Herpes virus and a chronic upper respiratory infection for nearly a year now, Shorty is also our most fragile kitty. While a resident of the Humane Society with its constant transient state, Shorty’s early life was fraught with ongoing illness and uncertainty. Though she adjusted well after her adoption in the spring of 2003 and suffered only one upper respiratory incident initially, two years later with the arrival of Mama Cat and her four kittens in August of 2005, the stress was too much for Shorty and an ongoing upper respiratory infection led to a secondary opportunistic Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial infection. After much prayer and months of costly conventional vet treatment with the usual steroids and a slew of antibiotics, we were told that Shorty had no hope of recovery from this aggressive bacterial infection.
Of course, the others love the cat tower as well, especially Mama Cat, who frequently perches there and plays Whack-A-Mole with the heads of the others as they unsuspectingly pass by . . .